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Press Releases and News

| Press releases
Doctor Eero Lindholm at Skåne University Hospital presented unique results from clinical study of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (DPN) of feet in patients with type 1 diabetes. The results were presented at the world's second largest diabetes congress - EASD in Barcelona on September 17, 2019. The conclusion was that VibroSense technology and instruments can be used instead of Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS), for early diagnosis of nerve damage in feet caused by type 1 diabetes.
| Press releases
Avonova has decided to set up a nationwide organization in Sweden for health control of workers exposed for hand-arm vibrations. To perform these health controls, Avonova has signed a license agreement for 24 VibroSense Meter II, with option of additional instruments. The license agreement initially covers 36 months with the possibility of renewal. The agreement will have a positive impact on VibroSense Dynamics' results for current fiscal year.
| Press releases
A published study authored by researchers at the clinic of Occupational and Environmental Medicine at Sahlgrenska University Hospital provides strong support for VibroSense Dynamics' new method for screening of workers, exposed for hand- arm vibrations. The screening method, developed by VibroSense together with two companies in Occupational Health Care services in Sweden, means that an examination can be made in less than 10 minutes. The method will be important for VibroSense expansion in Germany, among others.
| Press releases
The Lübeck Institute of Occupational Health (LIOH) at Lübeck University Hospital plans to make a large study using VibroSense Meter II. The purpose of the study is to investigate how to prevent vibration damage caused by vibrating tools. The study starts with a pilot study wherein the VibroSense Meter system is rented during four months with an option to buy the instrument.
| Press releases
Den Kliniska Onkologiska Avdelningen vid Sjællands Universitetshospital i Roskilde köper en VibroSense Meter II från VibroSense Dynamics i syfte att genomföra tre kliniska studier. I forskningsavtalet ingår en option på att köpa ytterligare två instrument. De kliniska studierna startar den 1 september 2019 och genomförs på patienter med bröst-, äggstocks- och kolorektalcancer. Studierna syftar till att undersöka hur nerver i fötter och händer påverkas av cellgiftsbehandling.
| Press releases
The senior specialist at Skåne University Hospital, Dr. Eero Lindholm, will present unique results from a clinical study of nerve damage in feet in patients with type 1 diabetes. The study shows that there is a strong correlation between Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS) and Multi Frequency Vibrometry with VibroSense Meter. The results shall be presented on EASD (European Association for the Study of Diabetes) in Barcelona in September 2019, where VibroSense also will participate as an exhibitor.
| Press releases
Avonova invest heavily to prevent vibration damage due to the swedish work environment Authority's increased focus on vibration damage. Avonova and VibroSense Dynamics have signed a letter of intent with the aim of set up a nationwide organization for health care examinations of workers exposed to vibration. The initiative is a direct result of increased demand from the company's customers and means that Avonova intends to buy 24 VibroSense Meter II.
| Regulatory press releases
Den 10 april 2019 höll VibroSense Dynamics AB (publ) (”Bolaget”) en extra bolagsstämma på Medeon Science Park i Malmö. Godkännande av styrelsens beslut om nyemission av aktier och teckningsoptioner (units) med företrädesrätt för befintliga aktieägare.
| Press releases
A study published in the scientific journal PLOS ONE shows a strong correlation between impaired sensitivity on low frequencies and foot ulcers. Behind the study are five prominent researchers from Lund University and Skåne University Hospital in Malmö.
| Press releases
On 28 and 29 November 2018, the European Innovation Council (EIC) and Medtronic, a leader in the world of medical technology, gathered 20 companies to discuss the transformation of healthcare and promote business partnerships. VibroSense shared its solutions for early detection and diagnosis of nerve injuries in hand and foot (peripheral sensory neuropathy) caused by diabetes or by chemotherapy treatment of cancer.
| News
Preliminary results from studies conducted in collaboration with VibroSense Dynamics AB (VibroSense) research network indicate that the company's instruments and technology have a high potential for detecting early neurological changes in diabetes and the treatment of cancer with chemotherapy. The company's product thus takes an important step to become part of the therapy in these areas.
| Press releases
For the first time ever, it has been shown that improved HbA1c (long-term blood sugar) is linked with improved tactile perception of feet in diabetic patients. The discovery was made in a study to evaluate the Multi-Frequency Vibrometry method and the VibroSense Meter® instrument. The result is reported by Dr. Eero Lindholm in a poster presentation at the EASD Diabetes Congress in Berlin on October 1-5, 2018. VibroSense Dynamics participates as exhibitor at stand 4J05.
| Press releases
The senior specialist at Skåne University Hospital, Dr. Eero Lindholm, will present study results showing that it may be possible to reverse nerve damage in feet caused by diabetes by improved metabolic control. VibroSense Dynamics participates as an exhibitor at EASD in Hall 4 at booth 4J05.
| Press releases
VibroSense Dynamics (VibroSense) has received a CE registration certificate of the company's new product VibroSense Meter II, by the Swedish Medicines Agency. The product is thus CE-marked and meets all requirements for sale, as a Class I medical device, within the EU. The instrument can also be sold in all other European countries harmonized with the EU regulations for CE marking of medical devices.
| Press releases
A study, published in the scientific journal PLOS ONE, reveals that 18 percent of examined children in Skåne, South of Sweden, with type 1 diabetes show initial signs of nerve damages in the feet, Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (DPN). The study also found that children, who used insulin pump instead of the insulin pen, had a lower degree of early signs of peripheral neuropathy.
| Press releases
The previously communicated study at the clinic of Oncology, at Skåne University Hospital, has now been granted an ethical approval. The purpose of the study is to investigate the extent to which VibroSense Meter can be used to detect nerve damage (neuropathy) that occurs in the treatment of colorectal cancer with Oxaliplatin. 30 patients will be included in the study and data collection is expected to be completed in November 2018. In an extension, the goal is to develop personalized treatment, aided by the company's product VibroSense Meter, to reduce or prevent nerve damage caused by chemotherapy.